#1 Phase kehidupan dan kenapa memilih sastra Inggris .

by - 16.39

From I was elementary school, I’ve known by my friends as student who have a good rank , I always got first ranking or second place. With my opponent alternately till graduate. Even when I graduated from elementary school, I was  a student who got the highest score of national exam (UN) in my class . and I had ever won the race of PPKN subject (like cerdas cermat competition) , I got third position se-Kota Tangerang. But strangely I was not proud of myself against what I had done and about my achievement. Because I know all of that happened because my ability who can memorize ( menghafal )  good enough. 
Since I was in grade 3 I used to memorize, my teacher always gave materials of subject which must be memorized. From that I began used to memorize the subject , I can memorize about 5 – 6 page of my book. I memorize all kind of definition, before exam I memorize the subject first, when competition I also had to memorize the materials . all of that happened because I memorize the material, after exam was over and my memorize did not need anymore, and you know what  happened ?  my memorize gone and I forgot all of about the lesson . jjreeeenngggg

I don’t know, me or the system which wrong .

Later on graduated from elementary school  I entered junior  high school . in here I turn be quiet and super shy student, I did not have a lot of friends.  I signed up a courses for all of subject  but, I rarely entered the class cause I did not have any close friend, while my mother had paid for one year ahead.
I was a student who study diligently, I was afraid being late and afraid to cheat on exam. But even so  I keep on low rank, it very opposite with the old me when I was in elementary school . I did not have any interested story when I was in here because, what is thing which interest become a quiet and super shy student?


From junior high school I entered vocational school, here I had been promise to myself for not being a quiet and super shy student again. Because it was not cool at all. I started to become an active student, I signed up for organization which have outdoor activity, like camping in the hill .

I went hangout with my friends, go home almost midnight and I invite them  to hangout at my home as well. Everything which have fun I did with my friends but, study together . till once,  in the edge of school graduation. Some student busy about their future but me .  like you was going to continue your study or decide to get a job. If you decide to continue your study you have to know.  what you want to be , what your passion, what your goal , what university you want to in etc.

And I don’t know anything else, I don’t know what my passion , at that time I realized that I did not have any interest in the field . omg I feel dumb . my goal was not clear as well , when people ask me about my goal . I always say “ I want to be success person and I want to go abroad “ . oh, c’mon dude, who want to be a loser . all of people must be want to be success, my goal it was very not clear . sadly I also passed registration of SNMPTN, kind of test to enter university. I don’t even know there is test to enter university, all I did was only hangout with my friends . I was a dumb, don’t say something rude to me please .

I still had second choice, that was SBMPTN test. Some my friends take a course just for to success in this test and I did nothing -..- . I only bought an exercise book at bookstore. Why I bought that book? I did not even learned this book till the end .

And the result was ofcourse I did not success at that test .

But why I took a test, if I did not even know what major I want to in . till once my friend name of Halida said to me, if she want to choose English as her major  because, if she choose that major, she is going to speak English with cas cis cus ( fluently ) and my heart was beat so fast, I thought English literature is  what I was looking for. Eventhough, I don’t know what literature is . gue juga baru tau ada jurusan kayak gitu . Which I know is if I choose that major, I can speak English cas cis cus like Halida said.

From inspiration of Halida I finally here, in English literature. Even at the end Halida not enter this major . she signed up for law major .

I feel become bad student when I remember how dumb I am, why I did not care about my future.

This advice for all of you when you want to enter the university . you have to know what your goal and what your passion . that can help you to choose the better for yourself.

did I regret it ?

I don’t know . there are so much consideration and question on my head to myself which I can not write in here

The next post still have relate about English literature . so you have to read the next post.


Ps : This post I write after I see video from Gitasav , youtuber who study in germany . you can open this link ( open 

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