Dewasa menurut aku itu...

by - 08.01

Hasil gambar untuk maturity
gambar diambil dari google

I am sure if Every human will have maturity phase and that thing will be seen when they are in trouble, how they make a decision and how they must behave in the public. But do you think only those who are already quite old age are considered adults ? or those who are already expert to beautify their appearance to look older .
        In my opinion might be maturitiy devided into 3 groups , there is called adult of mind , adult in appearance and adult in action . not all of people that are seen adult in appearance have maturity to act on their problem and vice versa those who looked like children in appearance doesn’t mean their mind also like children they only hide behind innocent face

Many people said to me “ nar, I think you haven’t matured, you still look like children, all that you can do only playing , whether god never give you a hard test in your life ?

Hey, c’mon I think grow adult should not being calm or quiet . is there a statement that person who like playing and not serious is the most person who can not be mature ?. if like that your mind , then you are one who has not matured

If requirements to become an adult it should behave graceful, calm, not allowed to laugh very loud, smile with tightly, your teeth prohibit to be visible and the volume of your sound  should not be too big. did not all of that thing make human restrict themselves to expression ? . don’t you haunted them with explain a maturity by your opinion because each person has different opinion

Adult for you and adult for me is different because we were created with different personalities, we can not determine the person being mature or childish if you just known about 2 days , it takes time and condition to see the maturity side of themselves . especially for you who are too busy to comment my behave better for you to take a mirror . if you think your perspective is true it doesn’t mean mine is wrong , you just see one side and ignore the other side . I hope you can be adult into giving a comment if you can not say wisely better to be silent instead of you make hurt someone’s heart 

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