My dream with love

by - 21.42

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by: Dinar alqodri 

In the morning I woke up, I see the light of sun
when life getting gloomy the sun spreading the light 
I start the day to reach the light 
the light for brighten my life .

I said my dream will come true as soon as possible 
you will not realize when the day comes 
while I am still breathing and the sun still spreading the light 
My dream will become real .

I have filled my soul full of ambition and the amazing spirit 
I have built the huge wall inside 
no one can ruin the wall unless myself 
and no one can make me stop unless my dream has became real 

to reach all dream 
I promise to myself to give the best in my effort
pursue that dream untill I succeed 
and my life will be shine like the sun in the morning .

I believe god never sleep 
it only took a little longer time 
keep trying and pray 
my dream not just a dream , it will be real . 

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